Get This FREE!
Instantly & For ZERO Cost Maximize The Results Of Your Most Important Marketing Strategy
Simply Click on the button below to get started
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The Scientific Marketing Makeover is normally priced at $297. For a limited time this leading-edge service is FREE 
The improvements we suggest to  maximize your results can ALL be made with ZERO extra cost
You'll be able to implement the improvements quickly and easily, bringing you results fast
Instantly And With Zero Cost... Improve Your Results From 25% - 550% (Often More)
With the 'Scientific Marketing Makeover'
How We Get Improvements For You
  • CORE ELEMENTS: After decades of testing and literally tens of thousands of tests we've discovered that there are 9 key tactics that make marketing work.
  • IDENTIFY: To improve the performance of any of your sales and marketing strategies, we first identify which Core Elements are present (and which ones aren't)
  • STRENGTH: We then analyze each Core Element in turn and evaluate its strength in terms of likely performance
  • SUCCESS FORMULA: Each Core Element has its own 'Success Formula'. In other words, each Core Element it is made up of 2 or more critical parts. Here's an example...
(D + S + C) = IO
  • ANALYZE: Using the Success Formula, we then score each Core Element in terms of its effectiveness.
  • SCORE: Because we've broken down the key components of Marketing into a science, we can score your marketing piece based on the Core Elements. 
  • RECOMMENDATIONS: We then deliver our recommendations, which as long as you apply them, will transform the results of your marketing strategy. 
  • SUCCESS FORMULA: Each Core Element has its own 'Success Formula'. In other words, for each Core Element it is made up of 2 or more critical parts
What Marketing Strategies Can We Transform?
Pretty much anything you use to generate leads or sales
These Are the Strategies We Can Put Through The Scientific Marketing Makeover
  • WEB SITES (home page)
  •  ​PRINT ADS (magazines, newspapers, trade press, etc.)
  • ​ EMAILS
  •  SOCIAL MEDIA (posts, etc.)
  •  ​LEAD MAGNETS (free reports, white papers, etc.)
  •  AND MORE...
There isn't a type of marketing strategy we can't transform with the Scientific Marketing Makeover. 

Our recommendation is you give us the strategy which you are spending the most on right now, followed by the home page of your website, but of course the choice is entirely yours.

The improvements could be worth hundreds, thousands even tens of thousands to you over a period of time. 

Simply click on the button to get started.
How To Get Started 
Results Within 5 Working Days...
Within 5 Working Days You Can Start Getting Results...
  • STEP #1 : To take advantage of the Scientific Marketing Makeover, simply click on the button below (this is a free service, no credit card details are required)...
  • STEP #2: Complete your details on the form.
  • STEP #3: As soon as you complete your details, we'll email you with the simple details on sending us your marketing strategy.
  • STEP #4: We will then carry out the Scientific Marketing Makeover. 
  • STEP #5: Once we've carried out the Scientific Marketing Makeover, we'll be in touch to arrange a short meeting via Skype so we can show you what improvements can be made and exactly what you need to do to transform the results of your marketing piece.
  • EXPECTED RESULTS: It is not unusual to get a minimum of a 25% improvement, but often improvements can be in the hundreds of percent, because few companies include the 9 Core Elements and those that are included are usually very poor in terms of application.
  • WHAT WOULD THIS MEAN TO YOU? Even a small improvement in results could translate into a significant increase in leads and/or sales for you. It doesn't cost a single cent to find out. Simply click on the button to get started. Remember, for a limited time, the Scientific Marketing Makeover is a completely FREE service.
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